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Assisted Living in Fort Myers, FL

Assisted Living
Care You Can Depend On

Assisted Living at The Palms of Fort Myers takes care of everything so that you can focus on what matters: enjoying every moment. Our team has been here for decades and is committed to helping our residents make the most of each day. And with the care you need right at your fingertips, you’re free to do what makes you happy. Relax in our hot tub, venture into the local community with friends, or cozy up with a blanket by the fireplace. Welcome home.

Floor Plans & Pricing

Stress-Free Living, One Convenient Monthly Payment

Cost is one of the largest considerations for planning a move into an assisted living community. That’s why we’ve made it easier for you. See how much you would be saving by having all of your expenses tied neatly into one monthly payment. The Palms of Fort Myers offers a wide range of assisted living options including studio, one and two-bedroom apartments – monthly rental rates starting at $3,300 for private apartments and rates starting at $4,000 for shared apartment.

We'd love to hear from you!

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